Arclight OmniSystem Enterprises [-AOE-]

CEOAOE Executive ProxyTax rate0.064999997615814%

Alliance history

Arclight OmniSystem EnterprisesArclight Consolidated2014-03-03 17:402020-09-13 11:036 years, 6 months, 9 days, 17 hours and 23 minutes
Arclight OmniSystem EnterprisesStarfire Alliance2013-08-12 20:392014-03-03 17:406 months, 18 days, 21 hours and 1 minute
u'Arclight is a new venture, with an agressive growth strategy and plans for operations in all facets of enterprise available in New Eden.

We offer support and perks that vastly outstrip the current size of our corporation! Some of our programs include:

(Please note: we are an 18 year old + Corp)

\u2022Profit Sharing and Dividend Program
\u2022The ARC Store (Internal LP Store)
\u2022War Time Income Support
\u2022Free Gank Insurance Program
\u2022Recruitment Referral Payouts
\u2022Absentee Character Training Management Program
\u2022Full Manufacturing and Research POS

Mining Related
\u2022Fleet Mining Support
\u2022Full Skilled Orca Support
\u2022Corporation Subsidized Mining Crystals
\u2022Ore Buy Back Program

Mission & Combat Related
\u2022PvP Training
\u2022PvE Training
\u2022Corporation Subsidized Ammo

Industry & Science Related
\u2022Free Perfect Refining Services
\u2022Free Margin Trading Services
\u2022Free Transport & Freighter Services
\u2022Salvaging Services

While currently small, we are highly organized, and driven to succeed in all our endeavours.

While membership does not come with mandatory expectations, our corporate philosophy and structure is one that rewards activity and contribution at a much greater rate than those members that take the "casual" approach.

We strive to build a large corporation of highly active and productive members, and ensure that a sense of accomplishment and recognition is complimented by good friends, good fun, and the strength of a vibrant community.

We are currently recruiting members of all types and experience levels - this truly is a "ground floor opportunity" - and as a new corporation, we can offer rapid advancement for a member with the right attitude.'



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